Sunday, April 27, 2008

Dear Sandy Dhuyvetter,

I train professional tour directors and guides online through over 1,500 colleges in the U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Since the course is online, I have trained students throughout the world, including Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Nigeria, England, Italy, Russia, Bulgaria and more.

I’ve been training through the colleges since 1993, with my goal to increase the professionalism and opportunities for all tour directors and guides. You would be surprised how little most people know of our careers, especially in the U.S. I wrote my textbook, the "Tour Director Training Guide", to promote training in the community colleges. In most countries it takes between nine months and two years of training. The U.S. has very little training available for travel careers other than for travel agents.

If you think your listeners would be interested in knowing about the opportunities in local, domestic and international tours and programs, please let me know. I am available for interviews. Additional information and press releases are available on my website at Thank you for your consideration.

Cherie Anderson
Professional Tour Management Training

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