Monday, April 21, 2008

Tanzania: Not A Bloody Hell

Dear All at Travel Talk Radio,

The world contains small pockets of paradise found on very few places on earth. I am in Tanzania, the Land of Kilimanjaro, in East Africa.

Some 140 kilometers south of Kilimanjaro there are a range of mountains millions of years older than Kilimnajaro [South Pare Mountains], scientifically referred to as part of the Eastern Arc chain of mountains.

This is where you can find plants and animal species found nowhere else on earth. My place is strategically located to overlook Tanzania's 15th newest national park, Mkomazi (Game Reserve), where one-third of plants classified as unique in the world can be found, as well as 90-percent of all botanical species in Tanzania.

I AM NOT IN BLOODY HELL. ON THE CONTRARY I AM IN a little known PARADISE in the South Pare mountains. My clarion call is "BEYOND WILDLIFE A COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE."

Please visit us at My very best wishes to you all and thanks for asking.

Elly Kimbwereza
Managing Director of the TONA Lodge
Mbaga Village, Tanzania

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